I got a pleasant surprise from Dani. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of everyday life we went to Jerusalem. The city that it's sudden vicinity still makes me surprised and excited. I mean, we live an hour and a half drive from this conglomerate of every possible thing you can imagine! So near, and still we go there so rarely and always to see the old city with it's religious places and magic of the far history that can be touched. This time it was a new place, German quarters outside the wall. Alleys, secret gardens, small cafes, still some old old churches and a renovated train station that was converted in a cool, modern place, filled with shops and restaurants and a starting point for segway tours around the city (orange helmets!). I was in the sky. It was a great date after too long time that we took some time to ourselves and discover new places. We met also an amazing artist who's work I will present in my next post.
Dani me je presenetil. V sredini urnega vsakdana sva se odpeljala v Jeruzalem. Dejstvo, da me to starodavno mesto čaka le uro in pol stran od doma, me še vedno navdaja s presenečenjem in navdušenjem. Kljub bližini, gremo tja redko, in to vedno v stari del mesta, na visoko spiritualne, verske kraje in se dotaknit stare, stare a tako pomembene zgodovine. Tokrat sva šla drugam. In Jeruzalem me je očaral na popolnoma nov način. Germanska četrt, uličice, zidovi, skrivnostni vrtovi, male kavarnice in oster, skoraj hladen zrak. Prenovljena železniška postaja, obrnjena v moderno spletišče izbranih restavracij, trgovinic, igrišč in startna točka za segway oglede mesta (oranžne čelade!). Bila sem nekaj cm od tal. V Jeruzalemu sva srečala tudi osupljivo umetnico, katere delo predstavim v naslednji objavi.
maja moja draga, ko bi ti vedela kako me osrečiš vsakič, ko nam pokloniš delčke tvoje druge domovine....
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