February 2, 2012


Made a small view into the things that are currently in my surroundings.

1. Last week I visited my good old fabric supplier in Tel Aviv (wrote about him already). He got some AMAZING upholstery fabric pieces and I grabbed them all without thinking twice. There is about a meter and a half of each piece so whatever I will make out of it will be very unique. Any ideas? Btw, already made this large bag and came out very nice.

2.  This clutch made out of orange silk with embroidered flower used to be a hit in my store. Only one left.

3. A metal zipper. Finally I found it and collected enough courage to start making some kind of a bag with it. For the ladies that like things simple, strong and useful :) Soon, photos.

4. This is a must book for everyone that loves handmade and beautiful. There are over 70 artisans inside and some of them are breathtaking.

5. Jonatan wanted this yesterday and we started to think about summer and the sea, travelling and vacations.  Amazing how he chose this great VW caravan of all the modern cars that were on the shop's stand, well...he is the son of his parents.

6. The new "attachment" to the bags and purses that are shipped to PikulaBags customers. There's more to this...

Marmelada market and PikulaBags.


  1. lepa je tale tvoja oranžna cvetka.Nič čudnega, da je tak hit. Knjiga je pa tudi najbrž super. Na moji nočni omarici je kup neprebranih oz napol prebranih knjig. To me mal nervira, zadnja leta se mi pogosto dogaja, da obtičim sredi knjige, jo za predolgo odložim in potem se mi vedno zdi, da moram začet znova :). Zdaj sem si obljubila da temu naredim konec. Ko bom,si bom tudi jaz kako tako kraftersko naročila, za nagrado ;).

  2. sem se prav razveselila novega posta, ki pa je poln naključij;) Od kar si postavila na ogled rdečo torbo jo občudujem in premlevam in upam, da me počaka, puff...pa je šla.... ampak zdaj vidim še en kup prelepih blag ....in omenjaš knjigo, v kateri je predstavljena Kristina Klarin, katere ogrlico sem prav te dni naročila in se je veselim kot malo dete:D http://kristinaklarin.blogspot.com/...
    sestavljam načrt letošnjih pobegov ter cdelo malce ustvarjam(trenutno imam časa na pretek, ker sem na daljši bolniški, nič hudega ampak malo dolgotrajnega)in si mi prav manjkala!

  3. Knjiga je prepolna stvari, ki bi jih zlahka udomacila tudi pri sebi. Pogledala sem si Kristinino stran in ja, kaksne barve. Tale mi je padla v oci:
    (je bilo tezko izbrati)
    Poslji kako slikico, ko prejmes ogrlico. Ustvarjas?
    Upam, da cimprej okrevas!

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