May 1, 2013


I had a busy day in Tel Aviv. The meeting with Omanoot went well and soon some of my items should appear on their site. After endless traffic jams, the heat of the big city, regular hunting for new fabric and supplies, chatting with the guy from the falafel place, trying on some new sandals, arguing about prices, checking out new straps for bags, looking for parking, looking for parking, looking for parking....I finally stopped at Jul's. She made me the best coffee ever,  and as always talking to her gave me lots of new ideas plus we're starting to cook something cool together again. Wait till you see.
I snapped a single shot of her above the new sewing machine pin board, which is loaded with  oh so beautiful   items.
Sequins are again on my desk, scattered around after making a new evening purse. Also, soon in my shop.


  1. ihhh, počutim se, kot da sem preživela dan s teboj :D zdaj pa šibam...jutri smo na tržnici !

  2. ...enkrat bova res šli na obisk k Jul's...upam, da kmalu <3
