November 7, 2011

Accessories market in Tel Aviv

After some time I got a large dose of Tel Aviv again. I've been to a traditional Accessories market and here are some of the highlights.

Shlomit Ofir creates unique shoes that combine traditional with modern and with a romantic twist. Loved the way she presented the shoe collection with those cute "napkins" and sophisticated names.

Doberman is a  v e r y  special steampunk jewelry design that is inspired by antique watches. It took me a while to get away from their stand, each piece makes you zoom in and explore all the little particles that are carefully combined together to make an amazing wearable art.

Stella and Lori, sisters that make bags with a sparkle. The ingenious way of designing the opening of their bags, many hidden departments, sparkle on the buttons and a great jumpy logo says it all.

Noa Vider makes shawls and accessories. I got caught by the lightness of the materials she uses and especially by the many different ways you can wear one of her creations.

Wild thing is the jewelry stand that took my eyes completely. They have the wildest ideas and wearing an alphabet or trendy moustache around my neck is such a cool thing to do! I love their super cool website and etsy shop

Za vse domace bralce pa z malo drugacnega zornega kota:
Po dolgem casu sem zbrala pogum in se spet podala k svoji stari ljubezni. Tel Aviv. Brez tega mesta nic ne bi bilo enako. Sla sem na Accessories market, spoznala posebne oblikovalce in njihove izdelke (glej linke zgoraj), potlej pa sla pohajkovat po ulicah, sencnih bulevardih, nadihala sem se ob morju in pojedla obilen falafel. In ljudje. O njih bom pisala enkrat kmalu poseben post. Btw, tukaj smo se vedno dokaj poletni, le zadnje dni sem zacela vlect nase majice z dolgmi rokavi in kako cudno je bilo prvic od Marca spet obuti cevlje.


  1. abecedna ogrlica je krasna (hvala za link ... res sta divji;))

  2. Ja! Jaz imam tudi ze ene dve ogrlici v planu! :) Oblikovalka je super punca!
